How to Choose the Best Exercise Videos

Numerous exercise videos are offered these days. Some offer programs supposedly able to help one lose weight quickly. Some have even come up with a 30-days shred promise wherein you can lose specific number of pounds in just a month. Others focus on exercises designed for busy people such as that of a workout lasting for 8 minutes or less. Still some are very specific with the targeted body part, such as an abs exercise video. Truly, working out videos is very popular and handy. But before buying exercise videos, these guidelines can be used to get the best video material which fits you.

Determine fitness level

English: Exercise work zones (Fox and Haskell ...
English: Exercise work zones (Fox and Haskell formula between 20 and 70-year-old): red zone (VO2Max), anaerobic, aerobic, weight control and warming up. Français : Zones d'exercice de travail (selon la formule de Fox et Haskell entre 20 ans et 70 ans) : zone rouge (VO2Max), anaérobie, aérobie, perte de poids et échauffement. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Normally, work out videos are sold according to the level reached of an exercise enthusiast. Levels include beginners, intermediate, and advanced. People who never tried aerobic workouts are beginners. When you have been working out for at least three months, you are an intermediate. If you have exercised for more than three months, then you are an advanced exerciser. When buying these videos, read descriptions carefully. Some best fitness DVDs or exercise videos claim that they are applicable for all levels of exercise buffs but are not really the case. In order to know which one is for beginners, for intermediate, and/or advanced, it is better to discreetly read labels and watch reviews associated with the material.

Type of exercise workout you need

You need to ask yourself, are you into cardio workout or just kickboxing? Do you need yoga or just abs exercise? Maybe you just need basic exercises such as those seen in ballet exercise DVDs? There are tons of workout training videos available in the market. Some combine different elements while most focus on a single type of exercise. In order for you to get most out of your money, buy an exercise video that incorporates as many disciplines as possible. Use video catalogs such as the two mentioned earlier to know the best fitness video for you.

Amount of time you will exercise

Before purchasing DVDs, it is crucial to know how much time you would spend performing work out routines. This is because if a workout lasts too long, the tendency is for you to skip necessary routines. If you are a busy person and you only can spend a short time, then videos such as an 8 minutes workout or getting circuit training DVDs are most applicable. You may also purchase videos which emphasise on strength training.

Equipment you need

Some videos would require certain equipment which you may not possess. Therefore, before buying a DVD, make sure you have the right equipment. If not, it is possible to find an alternate. For instance, you can use a dumbbell as a substitute for barbell. But if you are planning to execute a workout exercise for an extended period of time such as step aerobics, you should purchase the equipment as a personal investment.
Losing pounds or gaining muscles are made more possible through learning from these exercise videos. If you are planning to make your workout more successful, it is recommended for you to have one or two. But before buying, make sure that you purchase videos that actually suit your needs.

Aside from exercise videos, you may complement your health and fitness program through a weight loss retreat. This concept is used by Australian weight loss company NuYu Total Health. You can read more information through their website http://www.nuyutotalhealth.com.au.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Maria_Marilyn_Madrid
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